
Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Room 9 Clubs

1.What is the most popular club?Art
2.Which are the least popular club?drumming and instrument
3.Which club have equal number of students?parco play,pasifika dance fusion,Animation and Board games
4.How many more students do art than ukulele?3
5.What is the total number of students in parco play and pasifika dance fusion?8

Acrostic Poem

Seven species are endangered
Eggs are eaten by crabs,birds and predators
Artificial lighting confuses the hatchlings  

Turtles get killed from fishing hooks
Under the sea they choke on plastic bags
Rubbish kills sea turtles
Turtle excluder devices helps sea turtles to escape
Leatherback sea turtle are killed for their hard skin to make boots

Everyone should stop poachers

Sea turtles need your help

Monday, 13 November 2017

Kelly Tartltons

On Wednesday the 25th of October 2017 room 9 and room 10 went on a bus to Kelly Tarltons to learn about marine animals.

We saw lots of marine species inside of the tank and i was so thrilled and excited to see this.

First i actually saw a sea turtles that i haven’t found inside of the tank and it was so exciting that  i had to touch the window because i couldn't handle it so i did.

But before that we were learning about Robert Scott and Robert Scott had no electricity in their Antarctica but all they had was just lamps that that time and they had different objects in the future.Robert Scott was a famous explorer in artitca and when Robert Scott tried to return home none of the survivors survived.

After that we were looking at different objects that they had. There were  bunk beds but they had different objects on the bed too.

Then we carried on to the next thing and Mrs Elia and i was looking at the bones of the penguin and we saw that the penguin’s neck was very long.

Robert Scott was a famous explorer in artitca and when Robert Scott tried to return home none of the survivors survived.

C:I enjoyed learning about marine animals

Thursday, 9 November 2017

George Adamson

George Adamson was the father of the whole lions in the
jungle and he was a super kind father of the lions.He was a conservationist star and he was also 83 years old.All of the lions were scared of the father.He was a generous man of lions although he was actually born in india. He trained some of the lions.when he finished training them for a few months george adamson had to get in a movie with lions in the movie and the movie was called Born free.

George Adamson got shot from poachers or soldiers and when George Adamson died all of the poachers and soldiers came to the jungle and killed mostly a lot of animals and  killed a lot of animals for jewellery, horns and food.
Image result for george adamson

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Sea turtles

1.Name the 7 different sea turtles?
Green turtle
Kemp’s ridley
Olive ridley

2.where in the world is each one found?
The loggerhead sea turtle is found in u.s.
The Green sea turtle is found in Eastern Pacific.
The leatherback sea turtle is found in pacific Atlantic.
The Hawksbill sea turtle is found in  tropical reefs of the Indian,pacific,  and Atlantic ocean.
The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle is found in gulf of mexico.
The olive ridley sea turtle is found in Pacific and indian oceans.
The Flatback sea turtle is found in the waters around the Australian continental shelf.
3.which one is most endangered?
Kemp’s ridley and hoxvill

4.Sea turtles live in almost every ocean basin throughout the world, nesting on tropical and subtropical beaches. They migrate long distances to feed, often crossing entire oceans.

5.From leatherbacks to loggerheads, six of the seven species of sea turtles are threatened or endangered at the hand of humans. Sadly, the fact is that they face many dangers as they travel the seas — including accidental capture and entanglement in fishing gear (also known as bycatch), the loss of nesting and feeding sites to coastal development, poaching, and ocean pollution including plastic.

6.These creatures are well-adapted to the ocean though they require air to survive. Their size varies greatly, depending upon species — from the small Kemp’s ridley, which weighs between 80–100 pounds, to the enormous leatherback, which can weigh more than 1,000 pounds.

7.Sea turtles live in almost every ocean basin throughout the world, nesting on tropical and subtropical beaches. They migrate long distances to feed, often crossing entire oceans. Some loggerheads nest in Japan and migrate to Baja California Sur, Mexico to forage before returning home again. Leatherbacks are capable of withstanding the coldest water temperatures (often below 40˚F) and are found as far south as Chile and as far north as Alaska.
8.They spend their entire lives at sea, except when adult females come ashore to lay eggs several times per season every 2 to 5 years. After about sixty days, baby sea turtles(known as "hatchlings") emerge from their sandy nests and make their way to the ocean —attracted to the distant horizon. The juvenile turtles spend their first few years in the open oceans, eventually moving to protected bays, estuaries, and other nearshore waters as adults.

9.Each species relies on a different diet: greens eat sea grasses; leatherbacks feed on jellyfish and soft-bodied animals; loggerheads eat heavy-shelled animals such as crabs and clams; hawksbills rely on sponges and other invertebrates; and the Kemp’s ridley prefers crabs.

10.Sea turtles are reptiles that live primarily in the ocean. Even though these turtles live in the ocean, they are related to land turtles. Here you can learn about the similarity to land turtles, how many species of sea turtles there are, and other fun facts about sea turtles.

Sea Turtles Need HElp! | Turtles have been freezing into a c… | Flickr